In the 1-100 journey, learn advanced Backend communication, Advanced Devops, System design and setup real world open source projects
Also build 2 capstone projects, a trading app and a zapier clone
Advanced Backend, System Design
- Advanced backend communication
- Message queues and PubSubs
- Proxies, Load balancers
- Redis Deep dive
- Kafka Deep dive
- Common Design Patterns in JS
- Advanced DB concepts (Indexing, normalization)
- Rate limitting
- Captchas and DDoS protection
- Sharding, Replication, Resiliency
- Horizontal and vertical scaling
- Polling and websockets
- Grpc
- Capacity Estimation
- Load Balancers
- CAP Theorem
- Testing Node.js Apps in 2023
- Real time communication, basics of WebRTC
Advanced Devops
- Container Orchestration, Docker Swarm
- Kubernetes
- Monitoring systems basics to advance
- Promhetheus, Grafana
- Newrelic as a paid service
- Serverless Deep dive
- AWS Constructs (EC2, S3, CDNs, LB, EKS)
- Zerodha end to end
- Zapier end to end
- Real world open source projects